Hello, Guess I'm a little behind, thought I would open this blog back up and start posting scans again, seems I love the comics to much to keep this in the past. I may not post every day but I want to start scanning again and start preserving more of the old and make it available for everyone.
I do need to mention a few new additions. I'm going to be helping
Barnacle Press out with more freckles scans and want everyone to look'em over, I'm sure there is something for everyone to enjoy. So please enjoy the freckles and many other turn of the century comics. Barnacle press is awesome and i love it.
Next you may want to jump over to
The Strippers Guide, another blog which discusses the odd and unusual history of the American newspaper comic strip. I love this site and go there every day for my daily fix when I remember to. there is even some useful guide on how to preserve your comic strip from the elements. Enjoy-Steve